Sep 06

30 poems in 30 days…

Tag: My poetry, On writing...cerebralmum @ 9:03 am

There is a wonderful blog I found called the Writer’s Resource Centre which I haven’t yet even begun to tap the depths of. They’ve just announced a new project called, yes, 30 Poems in 30 Days.

Every day I will discuss a poetry-related concept and give out a poetry assignment along with a recommended poet to read. All of the poets I will recommend are working in the field today. There will be no Coleridge or Whitman to sample here. We will look to the present instead.

This series of posts has two goals. The first is to teach you a little about poetry and give you some things to think about. The second is to give you enough potential material to publish your own book of poetry. Thirty poems are enough to create a small book of poetry. At the end of the thirty days, I will discuss at least three low-cost ways to publish your own book of poetry.

I haven’t written poetry in a long, long time but it was what I first started writing as a child so I’m going to take up the challenge. As I’m currently trying to figure out who the hell I am through writing, it’s seems like serendipity.

The first two assignments have already been listed, so I’ll be playing catch up tonight and you should all expect me to post some pretty horrendous poetry over the next month.

It might be bad, but it will have purpose. You can’t write well if you’re too afraid to write badly.

*Participant’s work will be posted in the comments over at the Writer’s Resource Centre, so if you want to see what others are doing, you’ll find it there.

One Response to “30 poems in 30 days…”

  1. musing says:

    An admirable goal. I look forward to reading your efforts.

    I’ve written less than ten poems in my life. Each one has just come to me. I’ve never tried to create one on purpose (well, except maybe in school). It might be fun to try. :)

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