Sep 24


Tag: Administriviacerebralmum @ 7:27 am

Just wanted to let you all know that I’m sick at the moment. I’ll be back writing when I’m better.

4 Responses to “Sick…”

  1. Megan over at Imaginif says:

    I hope you recover soon. It is so hard being a single Mum when you get sick. If I was there I’d offer to take your darling for a morning while you get some healing sleep.

  2. musing says:

    Get well soon!

  3. Joh says:

    Hope you’re on the mend.

  4. cerebralmum says:

    Thank you guys. Feeling much better! Megan, it is pretty miserable being a single mum when you’re sick, but I wonder if it is any easier for non-single mums? If I had a partner, Caspar would basically be in bed for the night by the time he came home from work. Having a good support network (full of people like you!) is pretty important to all of us.

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