About Cerebral Mum

Hi, I’m Cerebral Mum. Well obviously that’s not my real name, I’m actually Julia, but almost everyone online knows me by my moniker. I’ve been blogging for a while, but lost most of my posts when I switched from blogspot to my own site on wordpress. I’m also really active on some of mum and family forums and communities.

The name Cerebral Mum comes from asking friends what they thought I should call my blog. They did some brainstorming and the number one characteristic they came up with that described me was my intelligence (actually I lie, the number one characteristic was my ego, but I didn’t want to name my blog after that!). Names like intelligent mum (mom) had already been taken, so out came the mental thesaurus until I found the perfect name: Cerebral Mum. Only problem is a few people have got in touch thinking I have Cerebral Palsy - I don’t, but because of that confusion I decided I’d make a regular donation to a charity that helps those that do.

Unlike a lot of mommy bloggers I don’t share much about my kids and family - I really value my privacy so prefer giving you suggestions and tips that can work for everyone, rather than giving specifics about my kids. That’s why I often write in third or second person rather than first person. I also don’t like sharing my facebook profile here, but those that I know and trust can obviously add me on facebook.

Despite being privacy conscious Ill give you some background on myself: I graduated suma cum laude from a liberal arts college, however while there I ended up pregnant and shortly after graduating gave birth to my daughter. The father and I married just afterwards, and since then I’ve started pursuing a masters degree part time while looking after my beautiful daughter. My husband has also had to make sacrifices, and postponed his own academic dreams to get a job and support the family. We’re doing quite well, living in a small apartment in a big city but loving every minute of it. I’m planning on doing a PhD part time after my masters in finished and I can already see my daughter following down the same route even though she’s still in elementary school.

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