Feb 20
So goes the war…
I’m stressed at the moment and it is getting in the way of me getting things done. I haven’t been meeting my own deadlines for getting the WinterWarm site finished, even though I’m so close. I’ve hardly written a thing on my other blog, and what I have published has been uptight and, well, basically pretty crappy.
And another thing is stressing me out. Feel free to stop reading now because there is nothing tackier than whining about money and that is what I’m going to do.
Basically, my income doesn’t actually cover the bills I need to pay. I put in an application a while ago to draw down some of my home equity to clear some debts and help me fix a few things at the house so I could sell it but nobody ever got back to me. Needless to say, my credit card company has had enough and I now have a month to come up with $8,500. That’s pretty hard when, after paying a home loan, a personal loan and some of your minimum cc payment, all you have left for the rest of life’s expenses (you know, like food and electricity, or replacing glasses) is less than $200 a month.
So I get on my bank’s case and ask what is going on with the loan. I get a message back simply saying, Sorry but it was not approved. Er, thanks for letting me know.
But I understand. My credit rating is screwy. It all went pear-shaped after the indecent assault by an employer, when I left my job (obviously) and went spiraling into depression.
However, the things that shits me is that I have, at a minimum, $60,000 equity in that house. There is no danger to the bank. Especially because drawing down on my home loan will actually reduce all my expenses each month making it easier for me to pay the damn home loan. Especially because drawing down on the loan would make it easier for me to sell the thing and give them all their damn money back.
Basically they’re saying, We don’t trust you to pay less than you do right now. Does that makes sense? Well, no. But banks have their little ways.
So I wrote back asking what I could do. Could I go higher up and appeal the decision? Could I reduce the figure being applied for? And so on and so on. They have said they might approve it if I can get a family member to be a guarantor. Um, yeah.
My mother lives in Sudan: I don’t think they’ll want her signature. My sister is living on income insurance because of her spinal injury and has her own home loan to pay. And she’s already stretched from paying the bills for a household of 3 because I can’t afford my fair share of the utilities.
Does trying to find a solution to this feel too hard? Yes, it does. Is sitting here whining about it going to help? No, it’s not. Right at this moment, can I think of anything better to do? In a word… No.
But c’est la guerre, right? C’est la guerre…
February 21st, 2008 at 12:01 am
that sux big fat hairy donkeys wossits
hugs hon. I hope you get a break somewhere along the line.
February 21st, 2008 at 3:52 am
Well “hello” back! Thanks for dropping by yesterday and giving me some input on my Wordpress v Blogger frustrations. Although, my frustrations seem awfully petty after reading about what you’re strugling with. Banks are just…just…I don’t know. Infuriating is the word that comes to mind.
I also read some of what you had to say about depression…and your “about” page.
I struggle with depression too (have since the birth of my 2nd), although I’ve never experienced the manic side of the coin as you have. I’m fortunate that medication is very effective for me.
And I know it may not mean much to someone who doesn’t believe…but my faith on God also really helps me. I was going to leave that out…but it just wouldn’t do to not be honest about something so important to me.
I’m sorry you’re struggling. I hope things turn around for you soon.
February 21st, 2008 at 2:54 pm
Welcome, Daiquiri. I’m glad you didn’t mind me leaving you some unsolicited advice yesterday and I don’t think the frustrations are petty. We invest a lot of time in our blogs and I think they become an important part of our lives (even if non-bloggers don’t “get it” ).
If you need any more information, or if you move, a little help, feel free to come past the Aussie Bloggers forum (link in sidebar. It’s not just for we Aussies and there are some tutorials there specifically related to moving from Blogger to self-hosted wordpress.
Thank you for your kind thoughts, and I’m glad that your faith helps. I know it does for many and although I do not share it, I respect it, so thank you for your honesty as well. I take that in the spirit it was intended.
Take care, and I hope you find a solution for your blog that works for you. As I said, feel free to contact me any time if you think I can help.
February 22nd, 2008 at 4:05 pm
That does suck. The pertinent point is as you mention - that by consolidating your debts you will be able to manage better because your monthly repayments will be lower. Shame bank employees generally don’t think logically I hope you find a solution.