Feb 21

You just need a little vision…

Tag: Saffron noodlescerebralmum @ 10:46 pm

After my “Meh” post about my birthday, the evening turned out to be a lot of fun. Big Sis and her B made dinner for me and bought a cake. It was just a nice quiet “family” thing but I think you should always have a family thing even if you’re going to party hard. That’s always what we did with birthdays and Christmas when I was growing up but Big Sis and I have been having trouble working up much enthusiasm for these events after years of it being just the 2 of us, and now that we’re living together they are even less of an event because, well, we’re sisters.

However, adding that new, unofficial family member made a big difference because he has all the infectious enthusiasm while we alone are just too “familiar”. So it was a great night, with just some simple food, a birthday cake (which you’ve already seen all over Caspar’s face), good company and a bottle of wine. And at the end of our meal, and my snap-happiness (because I’d actually charged the batteries for my camera), I even conned Big Sis and B into putting Caspar to bed.

They said, Yes, before realising that they’d need to hose him off, change his nappy, put him in his jammies, brush his teeth and read him 3 books, but they did it anyway.

Now, before anyone thinks I’m a bad mother because bedtimes are sacred: I know! But I do it every single day. We have dinner and then I do my mummy work: bath, clothes, teeth, books, cuddles, bottle. I’m not complaining, because it is the best kind of work in the world, but I can’t remember the last time I was able to sit and actually digest my food. I hate doing things right after dinner. The dishes get done in the morning.

So on my birthday after dinner I sat in B’s garage (we’re on a dual occupancy block) with my glass of red and digested. And it was great.

Except, of course, it wasn’t. Or, at least, not entirely.

Because bedtimes are sacred.

I spent the rest of the evening at home wanting to wake him up so we could have our cuddles, so I could say goodnight “properly”. It’s all very well to have a little help now and then, but my instincts tell me that everything is my job all of the time. Of course, sometimes being a good mum means not letting those instincts take over, and leaving room for other people in your child’s life, but just because it’s okay doesn’t mean it’s comfortable.

Besides, sitting and digesting food is now… weird.

But now I’ve digressed and am a long way from what I was intending to write about. Why am I talking about my birthday? Because today I went with Big Sis to organise my present.

I am getting new glasses!

I got my new prescription and picked out the frames and ordered the lenses. And I’m sooooo excited. My poor old broken and lost ones were ancient and ugly. And my new ones are stylish and slick and flattering. I can’t wait to pick them up!

We had B’s card and he told me I could spend $300 but I really didn’t want to do that because I knew that money was coming out of the savings he Big Sis has been putting away for a new car. (B, obviously, is generous to a fault, so he lets Big Sis manage his budget, which he then breaks.)

Anyway, we went to the local shopping centre. The first shop didn’t have any appointments for a week. Er, uni is starting! Then we went to OPSM and they had an appointment that day but I would be lucky to get even the simplest glasses for less than $300 there. So no way. Then we found the next one. They’d had a cancellation and could fit me in at midday. And not only that, but all their frames under $200 were 80% off. 80%!

So I got the coolest (yes, I know that isn’t a cool word) $170 frames for $34. I not sure when they’ll be ready to pick up, but they put a rush on them for me and soon…


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10 Responses to “You just need a little vision…”

  1. SnakyPoet says:

    Fabulous! We your devoted readers look forward to the photo of you wearing them. Meanwhile the photo above is lovely. And wotta cake!

  2. cerebralmum says:

    You can tell I was having a nice time, can’t you. I took lots of pics. Mostly of Caspar of course, but I did manage to get Big Sis to take some of me too. (like pulling teeth, that is.)

    I will definitely post a pic of my new specs. I think I’m almost beginning to feel like an attractive, likeable human being again. Isn’t that good? :)

  3. Babyamore (Trish) says:

    I can’t wait to see your new glasses either. I am glad you had a great birthday and got a bargain that made you happy.
    Coolest … is a word and when blogging you can use poetic licence (did I spell it the right way at 12.30 am I can’t remember)

    I feel the same way when I am not there to put my babies to bed. Doesn’t happen often … enough (LOL only joking I love bedtime)
    Caspar looks like he was having fun sharing the cake.

  4. Gemisht says:

    I love bedtimes too and mine are 10 and 8. They are only just going to bed by themselves in the last week or so. And I know what you mean about digesting, doesn’t happen often here either. But you can’t beat bedtime cuddles :)

    And I can’t wait to see the new glasses too. What a bargain. Well done. I didn’t have that much luck with my glasses but got my prescription sunglasses for a bargain. You just have to be in the right place at the right time.

  5. Lightening says:

    I’m assuming my piece of cake will arrive in the mail any day now…..???? :) Looks rather YUMMY!!!

    And cool is so a cool word!!! Cos if enough cool people keep using it is stays cool - yeah? Oh, whatever. LOL.

    GREAT bargain with the glasses there!!!! Hope you went shopping for some bling to match your new glasses with some of the savings (????)

  6. PlanningQueen says:

    This has inspired me to go back to the optometrist. I got a beautiful bargain pair about two years ago, but I have actually ruined them by cleaning them with other materials than the proper cleaning cloth.

  7. Ian says:

    So when do we get to see the new glasses?

    I can never get much of a bargain on glasses. Doesn’t help that I’m blind as a bat, so my prescription is super strong, and so if I want anything stylish I need high tech lightweight lenses ($$$$) … so I’m always up for about $700 a pair.

  8. cerebralmum says:

    I’m picking the new glasses up today so you’ll all get to see them tonight Or maybe tomorrow when eyebrows are plucked and hair is straightened and lipstick is on. ;)
    Incidentally, for you guys needing new glasses, I bought at The Optical Superstore and the optometrist was great, and everyone working there was really helpful.

    Lightening, sorry: The cake is long gone. And Ian, all I can say is “Ouch”.

    PlanningQueen, I was pretty terrible at taking care of my old pair too. These one’s are going to be treated like royalty. And kept well away from Caspar!

    Gemisht, were you a little sad when they started putting themselves to bed?

    Trish, it’s an odd feeling, isn’t it? Kind of like going out without your handbag. Not that I’m comparing our kids to a handbag, but… :)

  9. Bec says:

    That cake looks devine!

  10. April_optimist says:

    I think it is a gift we give our children when we allow others to sometimes love and care for them. iIt is a way of teaching them that life can be safe and we are not their only source of safety and comfort. Besides, we moms DO need a chance to eat in peace sometimes!

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