Aug 17
The first birthday…
Well, Caspar’s first birthday is only a couple of months away now and I’m all turned around about what to do. The budget is very very tight so a party seems out of the question and, quite frankly, the thought of organising it seems pretty daunting while I’m working so hard to get the house sorted out so that I can sell it.
At first glance it’s a pretty major milestone but it seems fairly obvious that a first birthday celebration is more for me, and for some photos in the album. Is Caspar even going to notice it? Chocolate cake he would definitely notice. Mum got him quite attached to the stuff while she was here. In fact, I ate some chocolate the other day (which is not like me!) and his lips started trembling and the tears started welling with the injustice of it all. My sensitive, maternal response was, of course, to start laughing my head off at him. And not give him any chocolate.
But my question is, is a first birthday party worth all the effort? Do I even have anyone to invite? It kind of appears to be a pointless exercise but not making a big deal of it goes against all my instincts. What are everyone’s thoughts? Comments here would be most welcome.
I’m currently toying with the idea of having a picnic-style get together where I don’t have to provide everyone with food and drinks. But then how to transport myself, and Caspar, and a cake, and presents to, say, the Botanic Gardens (which is more central for my friends) without us both being completely exhausted before the party even starts?
Grrrr. It makes my head spin.
August 18th, 2007 at 2:07 pm
Just take yourselves and a little picnic….presents can happen at home…he wont remember anyway. Seeing friends and socialising is more like it…Cas will enjoy that as much as you will.
August 26th, 2007 at 10:34 am
The picnic idea is great - Cas may not remember the details but he will have fun and the feeling of being supported and cherished by a community of people will imprint on his little heart. (not to mention your little heart - knowing your child is widely loved is a reassuring thing) - so stop being so bah humbug about it and honour people by letting them celebrate with you. So what if you get tired - its an occupational hazard anyway.