Nov 14

Meme’d - 7 random things…

Tag: Saffron noodlescerebralmum @ 4:13 pm

Eve tagged me for a meme. It the usual deal - answer the questions, pass it on. So I’m going to do it all Jung-like, as Eve did, and just say the first things that pop into my head. I have no choice about it because I only have a few minutes before Cas gets sick of the Jolly Jumper.

7 Random Things About Me

(Hey, they’re not called MeMe’s for nothing…)

  1. I need to get a new prescription for my glasses. I’d rather have laser surgery.
  2. I wore lipstick yesterday. That shouldn’t have been an event. I shall now add wearing lipstick to my daily to-do list.
  3. I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair.
  4. I used to like clomping around in my male friends’ oversized work boots. I think I’d still like doing that, given the opportunity. I have conquered my habit of stealing their fat socks, though. I think. (Perhaps this is more Freudian, rather than Jungian. You figure it out.)
  5. I have a tendency to walk into lamp posts. (Is that Sartrean?) One New Year’s Eve I even managed to break a rib at work simply by carrying a food platter into a wall. I proceeded to drink my way through the rest of my shift, which ended with a brawl and a fired manager and a promotion for me.
  6. When I was little, I got caught in the seatbelt when I got out of the car and my father drove off and ran over my foot. I was very brave when I was taken to the hospital and while I had my foot x-rayed. I was very brave until the doctor told me that I didn’t need crutches. Then I cried my poor little heart out.
  7. And speaking of Sartre; my great-grandmother’s uncle was Albert Schweitzer, whose cousin was Sartre’s mother. I’ve never figured out what that means, genealogically speaking. My nth cousin in the nth degree?

I’m supposed to tag 7 people of course, but that presupposes I have 7 friends, with blogs, who haven’t already been tagged. Joh? Rosemary? If anyone wants a little free link-love, let me know.

I’ll be back tonight. Today is a good day.

4 Responses to “Meme’d - 7 random things…”

  1. Joh says:

    Thanks for the tag, I have just done one! I don’t know if I could come up with 14 random things about me. Well probably, but hey.
    I just want to say, it’s great to hear you’re having a good day. I find lipstick sometimes breaks my spell. A very astute student once said to me, “I notice Ms L, that when you are really sad or looking a bit off colour that you wear lipstick for a couple of days and then you get back to your old self and stop doing it” - they don’t miss a trick.
    I am really enjoying your writing though. I think you are a wonderful writer.

  2. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    You’re just determined to get me writing things in my blogspot, aren’t you? :) Well OK, time I did … but must just watch the Chaser first.

  3. cerebralmum says:

    Rosemary - Yes. Blog, woman, blog…

    Joh, it does send a little signal to your mind doesn’t it? Definitely more lipstick for me. I’m glad I’m not the only one. Incidentally, I started my BA in ‘91. It’s still not finished, so your 13 years impresses me.

  4. Eve says:

    Oh oh oh! I knew I liked you for some reason. I don’t know whether it’s the walking into lampposts (I used to hit myself in the head with my locker door while in high school-yes, accidentally), or your connections to Schweitzer and Sartre (ask Renaissance Guy, he’ll know how to work those out)… or the rest of #5; but I’m glad I tagged you. I laughed out loud!

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