Sep 18

Note to self…

Tag: My poetry, On writing...cerebralmum @ 10:55 pm

The seventh assignment from 30 Poems in 30 Days… About forms and lists…

“Write a list poem that uses a single line for each item on the list. Feel free to choose one of the topics above [topics can be found at the Writer’s Resource Center via the assignment link], or use anything else that comes to mind.”

Note to Self

Don’t be so literal (This is a poem)
Don’t be so linear (And then and then…)
Use an adjective (Now and again)
Or a metaphor (This is a poem)

Use punctuation (It’s there for a reason)
And capital letters (For proper nouns)
Finish your sentence (See how it sounds)
And rhyming won’t kill you (This is a poem)

Say something smaller (It’s all in the detail)
Say something greater (What does it mean?)
Write of the seen (No, of the unseen)
What does it matter? (This is a poem)

I truly do think this is a bloody awful poem. I started this list before writing Sapphics on the Deep when I was quite frustrated with what I had been writing, but the subject of my list puts me in mind of a poem I really like by Edward Morgan, Opening the Cage. And while looking for a link so you could read it, I found another based on the same John Cage quote, John Cage by Dillingworth. Both of these put my effort to shame.

And if you’re interested in John Cage or jazz, this short film in three parts is worth watching:

Sound (1966-67), Pt. 1
Sound (1966-67), Pt. 2
Sound (1966-67), Pt. 3

2 Responses to “Note to self…”

  1. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    OK, not your best work, though not so bloody awful as all that. My list poem wasn’t my finest effort either.

    Thanks for these links. I looked up Dillingworth first and chortled with delight. Then I found the Morgan and was mesmerised.

  2. cerebralmum says:

    They can’t all be gems, can they? Glad you liked the Morgan. It is captivating. Such a simple idea so brilliantly executed.

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