Sep 17

Sapphics of the deep…

Tag: My poetrycerebralmum @ 10:27 pm

The 9th assignment from 30 poems in 30 days… A brief glossary of metre…

“Write a poem using a specific meter. The meter can be of your own choosing or even your own making, as long as you put a pattern into place.”

Sapphics of the Deep

Clams without teeth stopper their jaws and bind the
Currents; white flotillas of paper beach on
Tideless shores; I walk through convention, silenced,
Greeting the grey men.

Speaking nothing, language reduced by empty
Habit; sounds now mindless, unmade, like boats that
Drift in shallows, seeking no stormfront, sighting
No more the giants.

Leashed what once was swollen with Gods and Jung and
Darkness; thick, primordial waters made of
Words like squid, electric and phosphorescent
Colours in ink moved.

Never having worked with meter before (I don’t count bad sonnets) I chose, in my ignorance, to use sapphic meter. It had been my intention to publish just the one post tonight with all my “catch-up” poems and call it Bloody awful poetry… Instead, I am bloody proud of this and it gets to have a post all of it’s own.

Let me just say, Sapphics are hard.

Perhaps someone better-versed in scansion than me will find fault with what I have written. It is possibly imperfect. But I didn’t know what a trochee was before I started this and working with such an unnatural meter, in a language the meter was not intended for, I think I succeeded.

Not only that, but I have been frustrated by the simplicity of my previous poems and their lack of imagery. I used to write poetry in a very stream-of-consciousness way and it was dense with symbolism, not deliberately but because my mind thought in pictures.

Finally, I have written pictures with my words again.

3 Responses to “Sapphics of the deep…”

  1. Rosemary Nissen-Wade says:

    Hop over to the “30 poems” site for my first burst of praise! I am astounded afresh to read that you haven’t worked in metre before, let alone this metre. Indeed you have succeeded!

    I doubt you are capable of bloody awful poetry :) and I love your simpler pieces. They really don’t lack imagery, you know. But I love this rich, majestic piece too!

  2. Megan over at Imaginif says:

    Wow - making pictures with your words you centainly have.
    It’s bloody fantastic!

  3. cerebralmum says:

    Thank you Megan and Rosemary. Reading it again after a couple of days, I still love it. I wonder if it needs another stanza or two to unify it a little more. But I wouldn’t change a word of what is there. It’s not often you can say that.

    And it’s so nice to have others read my work and hear what they think. The web is a wonderful, wonderful thing. You get to see other people’s impressions, which you don’t often to get to do in real life. And you come across such wonderful people.

    Thank you for sharing my pleasure in this poem. It makes it so much larger.

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